You may not see them all the time, but they are the engine that powers up the work we do!
Thank you to everyone who has made this work possible –
Translators who make meaning out of our communication with beneficiaries
Content creators who help with copywriting and graphic design to support Hagar fundraising efforts, awareness and outreach campaigns
40.3+ Freedom Race participants who champion the cause and raise funds to support victims
Donors who give sacrificially year after year to provide critical aid and long-term support to our beneficiaries for their healing and empowerment
Board of directors who share generously their strategic insights, resources and friendship
This is the beauty of our work at HAGAR – Results are not accomplished by a single few. Rather, we are a team – made up of staff, volunteers, donors, community partners and each, equally committed to use our individual skills, resources and abilities to uplift the lives of women and children who have suffered from human trafficking, slavery and abuse.
We couldn’t have raised the amount of funds and provided such an enjoyable golf game to golfers without the help and advice of our golf committee, and volunteers on the golf course, and at the dinner celebration to help with every aspect of the programme.

Translators assist us in all of our counselling sessions, training workshops, and skills-building programmes. Their genuine love and empathy shines through all of the interactions and provides our beneficiaries such comfort in their difficult journeys to recovery.

And to our donors, you are just such amazing folks to respond and give each time we call out in need for our beneficiaries. We are so thankful for each of you, and we know we have a compassionate group of people who support Hagar’s work and believe in the restoration of broken lives. And to our donors who give every month – You lighten our burdens and enable us to meet our commitments to our beneficiaries without worrying about what the next day may bring. Without you, we absolutely cannot do this work.
To everyone who has walked with HAGAR and our beneficiaries in one way or another, thank you for your wonderful partnership. You have been such a blessing to our beneficiaries, and to the three of us at HAGAR. The year has not been easy, but we are so grateful to have you on this journey with us!