At its cheapest in all of history, ever since slavery began centuries ago, it costs just $90 today. Yet, slavery was legally abolished by every country in the world in the year 1833.
We bring you the Reality Check, where unsuspecting diners were presented with a bill that shows the cost of their meal, not in dollars, but in the equivalent human lives they could have bought for the same price.
As seen in the Reality Check video, confusion amongst the diners turns to shock as the waiter explains that a slave today can be bought for an average of US$90. The diners are then introduced to survivors of trafficking who have been helped by HAGAR, literally bringing them face-to-face with an issue that minutes before seemed worlds away.
Check out their reactions and find out how you can be a part of the force that helps survivors recover and thrive.
Over the last 25 years, HAGAR has been helping individuals and whole communities recover and thrive from the trauma of human trafficking, slavery and abuse. Working from nine countries worldwide, providing trauma-informed counselling and care, legal aid, education, skills training services, community reintegration support, HAGAR has helped almost 19,000 survivors, which has had a positive ripple effect on their families and communities as well.
“When you come face to face with people who have survived trafficking and slavery, it becomes impossible to pretend that slavery doesn’t exist,” reflects Michael Chiam, Executive Director of Hagar Singapore. “In Singapore, HAGAR works closely with survivors of human trafficking, empowering them with recovery care, literacy and essential skills to start a whole new life. These are young women tricked by false job promises and trafficked to our country for sexual or labour exploitation. With the appropriate support, we have seen that despite their tragic experiences, these survivors can overcome their painful past and vulnerabilities, fulfilling their innate potential to build a brighter future. Their past does not dictate their future.”
Turn your meal into a lifesaver.
All it takes is just $90.
Make a difference in their lives today.