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When you contribute as an individual, you join our community of passionate social changemakers. From fundraising opportunities to internships, we’ve got just the thing for you!
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Organise an Event
Our supporters are a capable, imaginative bunch, championing events for HAGAR’s benefit.
Led by Mark Houghton, James Partland and a group of friends, these eight warriors started a personal challenge, walking around the Singapore coast in one day! The Around in One team completed a mammoth 117km; socially distanced, face-mask clad and trekked around Singapore in 25hours! Though the non-stop walk left them with bruised bodies and blistered feet, their spirits were raging high as they saw how their personal endurance had inspired exceeding donations of over $11,000!
Like most Singaporeans, Sharon Shum, 29, received a $600 Solidarity Payment from the Government – a payout given to help households cope with the impact of the pandemic. Not only did she donate the full sum, but she also started an online fundraiser, urging others to contribute their Solidarity Payment to HAGAR and four other charities. Through Sharon’s active callouts, HAGAR received close to $60,000. “I don’t need an additional $600 to survive right now, but there are people who do,” says the motivated Sharon.

Three weeks after being retrenched, YingZi found out she was pregnant and couldn’t land a job. Stricken with severe morning sickness, couch-ridden and an empty calendar, she found herself questioning her self-worth and purpose. Yet, the painfully long dates with her couch and ceiling divinely gave her clarity to prioritise what really matters and her heart changed from chasing a glamorous career to being a voice for the exploited. Using her pottery skills, YingZi took to creating “imperfect” masterpieces and donated 100% proceeds from Nov-Dec 2020 sales to HAGAR’s work. Each of her creations was inspired by the true trafficking stories and left with intentional marks of imperfections to show the unique healing journey of each one.
No idea is too wacky – once you’ve set your sights on an event, reach out to us.
Think about how your hobbies, networks and skills can come together to create a unique fundraising opportunity.
Moved by the plight of human trafficking survivors, Wendy took part in the Singapore Standard Chartered Marathon and started a personal campaign to raise funds and awareness through Click here to set up a campaign.
Over Mother’s Day, Anju, an avid artist handcrafted a range of fashion jewellery specially designed for mothers, and widely promoted them on her online Etsy shop. In honour of women who have survived horrendous abuse, Anju donated a portion of the sales proceeds to HAGAR for women empowerment programmes.
What a privilege to be able to use our skills and talents and turn it into a viable means to help others in need. Get in touch with us and tell us what you are up to with your fundraising ideas.
Pledge a Gift
Get a gift less ordinary through Hagar’s Gift Catalogue – sponsor care for critical surgeries, counselling sessions or open the doors for a young Cambodian to study Medicine by donating a University Scholarship.
Anyone can make a change. For a Christmas gift exchange amongst co-workers, Angela asked for a Hagar Gift. Her colleague gladly made a donation in her name.
Camy pledged to match donations on a personal basis, up to $4,000 in order to raise $8,000 for a young Cambodia acid burn survivor who needed regular treatment for her eyes.
Volunteers are HAGAR’s lifeblood. In Singapore, we have a small and dynamic team of 4 full-time staff, but our impact is exponentially magnified by our group of passionate volunteers.

Princess and Chella use their language skills to act as translators and befrienders to our clients. Speaking the same language makes it easier for our clients to feel heard and understood, especially during times where they may feel especially vulnerable.
Started as a student intern with Hagar Singapore, Kelda upon graduation continued to volunteer with the organisation. Using her strong multimedia skills, a number of Hagar’s videos and photos you see are some of her wonderful creations!
A data-driven marketer passionate about using technology and business to improve lives, Hilton reached out to HAGAR on his own accord, volunteering his digital marketing and data analytics skills. More than just an advisor, Hilton offers practical help by working with the staff to draft advertisement copy for campaign ads and monitoring ad performance on an ongoing basis. With his help, more people are learning about HAGAR every day, thereby enhancing HAGAR’s brand visibility and increasing public awareness of human trafficking issues locally and globally.
Instead of using her sabbatical break for personal rest and travel, Deborah took the unusual route by devoting six months to volunteer full-time with Hagar Singapore. Her rich and wide-ranging skill sets coupled with her highly efficient personality enabled a smooth running of several major organisational projects. One could hardly tell that she was a volunteer because she was working equally long hours as the staff on board!
Be a part of the change process to build a better world, click here to browse volunteer opportunities.
Donations make a significant impact to our work and allow us to reach more women and children in need. With your support, we are determined to make a bigger impact and rebuild more lives!
There are many ways to give. Be part of the force and empower a survivor. Learn of our monthly giving programme >>.
Leave a Legacy
“Leaving the world a little better than you found it…”
We all wish to achieve something significant with our lives, to make a difference that will impact not only our family line but the larger world that we live in. Gifts in Wills ensures the continuity of Hagar’s work for generations to come, improving the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable and afflicted women and children. Leaving a bequest is a wonderful way of extending your legacy.
Contact us if you would like to make a gift in a will or living trust to Hagar. Alternatively, you may request for a professional advisor to help you with this.
Help us transform lives
Join HAGAR to empower survivors of trafficking and abuse to start a new life.
Help us transform lives
Join HAGAR to empower survivors of trafficking and abuse to start a new life.
Help us transform lives
Join HAGAR to empower survivors of trafficking and abuse to start a new life.