In Vietnam, traffickers exploit victims domestically and overseas, often luring them with false promises of job opportunities abroad or under the guise of false marriages. Once overseas, victims are subjected to forced labour, and many women become enslaved in sexual exploitation or domestic servitude.
Protection for potential victims often starts with educating communities on human trafficking tactics to deceive and enslave them. According to an international survey in 2018, more than 50% of trafficked persons encountered the trafficker via technology, including social media platforms, text messages or deceptive websites, and the numbers are growing at an alarming rate. With digital uptake and increased mobile phone usage in Vietnam, more children and young women are at risk of sex trafficking.
We are also working through male representatives from the Male Advocate and Volunteer clubs across Vietnam to influence and challenge men’s beliefs about gender and biases against women. So far, nearly 800 men in Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh city have learned about harmful masculine behaviours. From there, they shared these new perspectives with their peers to advocate for respectful relationships and the prevention of gender-based violence in their communities.
Upstream measures to educate and prevent human trafficking are essential if we are to eradicate modern slavery for good. Foundations of respect, responsibility and equality must be built to ensure peaceful, just and inclusive societies that will prevent and protect women and children against exploitation and abuse.
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Help us transform lives
Join HAGAR to empower survivors of trafficking and abuse to start a new life.
Help us transform lives
Join HAGAR to empower survivors of trafficking and abuse to start a new life.