There are now about 3.4 million people displaced within Afghanistan and the United Nations recently declared that 95% are hungry and surviving on one meal a day*. Driven to desperation, more and more children are seen roaming the streets, begging for food and money.
In the past 8 months, through the generosity of thousands of HAGAR donors and supporters around the world, we received some $867,000 USD that allowed our Hagar Afghanistan team to provide vital assistance to some 20,800 survivors who are facing displacement and extreme poverty in the country. With these funds, HAGAR have provided critical relief assistance to some of the worst affected families and children through provision of food aid and hygiene supplies, shelter, child-friendly spaces, mental health support and education.
Aziza, recipient of HAGAR’s emergency aid
But we need your help to make the next steps possible! By partnering in HAGAR’s response, you are enabling the people in Afghanistan to live empowered lives and are not reliant on temporary emergency aid.
From May 2022, the Hagar Afghanistan team are hoping to implement these three new projects to help our existing beneficiaries transition into independence:
- Establishing the Poverty Reduction and Livelihood Project: The new livelihood programme will enable families to start earning an income of at least $100 USD a month, that is sufficient to provide basic food for a family of 8, and cover some energy and clothing needs. This will be achieved by organising the beneficiaries into business cooperatives, establishing cash for work programmes and helping them start small businesses.
- Increasing the number of Child Friendly Spaces: The HAGAR team are desperate to set up more of these safe spaces due to the overwhelming numbers. Children currently roaming the streets begging will be targeted and encouraged to attend classes in these spaces as HAGAR works towards preventing lifelong illiteracy and consequent poverty.
- Providing life skills training to women and girls living in a rural area that is known for its high levels of poverty and neglect.
Help us to rebuild broken lives
It is only together that we will be able to practically make a difference in the lives of thousands of displaced and vulnerable people at this crucial time.