Final update
Danet has been doing well and is now moving on to the recovery and rehabilitation plan that the lupus specialist has developed for her. The total cost of her treatment, emergency procedures and rehabilitation needs amounted to a staggering USD $20,000.
But thanks to the many kind donors who have responded to the earlier appeals, the cost has been fully covered and Danet is able to go on to her recovery with ease of mind. She and her family are extremely grateful for the help and funds that have poured in from the generous souls. Many of you contacted us to find out how much was needed and you did not hesitate to respond when you learnt of the full cost.
HAGAR will be monitoring her physical condition as she begins the next round of medication. There is a case manager assigned to Danet to help her cope with any problems that might arise when she feels overwhelmed by her condition. During the first round, scratches had appeared on her skin, so we will be monitoring her closely and also following up with the doctor about her progress. Danet has just started school, but there might be a need to change school if the travel takes up too much time and makes her tired, especially with the lupus treatment.
We are deeply touched by the genuine care and generous giving from each of you who donated to Danet’s treatment and recovery. Thank you for being selfless and showing empathy for this young lady. May your hearts be blessed as you sow into the lives of others. Have a blessed new year ahead in 2017.
There are other children like Danet who need similar medical assistance and Hagar is helping to build an emergency fund that we can tap on when the need arises. Please give to the Emergency Medical Fund and save those who are in need so they can live on. Every dollar counts! Thank you!
Other available ways to give are through ATM transfer/Internet Banking to DBS Bank Ltd – Current Account No.: 003-909037-4; or
Cheque made payable to Hagar Singapore Ltd
Mail cheque to Hagar Singapore Ltd, 8 Lorong 27A Geylang, #03-04, Singapore 388106
Updates on 24 Oct 2016
Grateful thanks to all donors who have contributed generously to cover Danet’s initial treatment fees during her hospitalisation over the last three weeks.
A lupus specialist and the hospital medical team met a few days ago to discuss the long-term treatment plans for Danet. Her condition is rather complex as she is right now coping with several complications to her primary illness, particularly the cognitive dysfunction due to the effects of lupus on her brain.
As she moves into the 2nd phase of her treatment, it will cost another USD 10-15K (approximately SGD 20,000) to help her regain stability and some normalcy to her daily life.
Please help give Danet the hope of restoration by giving today. No amount is too small to make a difference.
Updates on 19 Oct 2016
Danet’s condition has been improving and she is now able to speak and eat more, but her mental health is at stake. She is experiencing difficulty remembering things and responding to questions, which could be due to the harsh effects of lupus. A local lupus specialist will be seeing her to devise a treatment plan.
Current treatment costs remain at USD 13,000 (approximately SGD 18,200). While contributions have poured in, there is still a shortfall of SGD 8,000 which we need to raise by the end of this week.
Please consider making a contribution today. It takes only ONE minute.
Update on 7 Oct 2016
Thank you to those who have been contributing to Danet’s medical treatment costs.
Danet is still lying in hospital with severe swelling all over her body. The doctors have confirmed systemic lupus, however investigative tests are still in progress to determine the cause of other distressing symptoms. A brain scan was done early this week to address the sudden memory lapse in the girl and her ability to sleep.
According to the doctors, had Danet not been rushed to the hospital in time, she would surely have died from the liver and kidney failure that she had been experiencing.
As a Cambodian, the local hospitals allow for poverty aid which most of Hagar’s clients have access to. This drastically reduces the costs though for a complex condition like Danet’s, the cost of treatment is simply unaffordable.
Danet’s treatment costs now stand at USD13,000. We are grateful for all donations to the emergency medical fund that will save her life.
Please consider making a contribution today. It takes only ONE minute.
4 Oct 2016
18-year-old Danet lies critically ill in the Royal Phnom Penh Hospital with an initial prognosis of suspected lupus and multi-system organ failure to her kidney and liver. Her life is at stake and doctors are pumping huge doses of steroids to get her some relief from the pain while attempting to assess the very condition that continues to plague her body.
Marked by inflammation of the skin, lupus is a condition in which the body’s immune system attack its tissues and organs. Danet was brought in with severe swelling all over her body and a persistent fever and had been experiencing a loss of appetite and hair. She was treated for dengue fever at a local clinic but the misdiagnosis was only discovered when she was rushed to the hospital recently after her condition showed no improvement.
Danet has been in foster care with Hagar since she was nine years old when her mother passed away. Investigative tests are still ongoing and a biopsy was done on her swollen neck just last week. Doctors have advised that treatment may not be possible in Cambodia and regular travel to a neighbouring country may be required.
The costs of the treatment so far has come up to USD10,000. This figure is likely to increase once the detailed diagnosis is made and additional treatments are needed. Although such elevated medical treatment is outside of Hagar’s standard provision of care to our clients, we are determined to raise additional finances to help save this young life.
Despite her suffering, she remains hopeful for recovery and to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. She has just passed the grade 12 national exams and plans to apply for university next year.
Breathe life into Danet’s future and be her miracle! It takes only ONE minute.
Hagar pursues the highest degree of care and protection for each of its clients. To protect the identity of our clients, names have been changed and images do not necessarily represent the individual profiled.
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Help us transform lives
Join HAGAR to empower survivors of trafficking and abuse to start a new life.
Help us transform lives
Join HAGAR to empower survivors of trafficking and abuse to start a new life.