Your donation will change lives

Invest in their future

PayNow Service is Available
Your donation is an investment in the future of vulnerable persons who have survived extreme hardship and abuses. When you give, you empower survivors with the means to start a whole new life, reducing their risks to re-exploitation.

Donation Form

  • (leave blank if not applicable)
  • American Express
Hagar Singapore Ltd is a registered charity under the Singapore Charities Act (UEN 200401226H). Donations to Hagar Singapore are not tax-exemptible as the funds are used to benefit survivors of trafficking and abuse, locally and globally.

Other Donation Methods

With this newest payment method available, just launch your iBanking app and scan the QR code or select PayNow and key in our UEN 200401226H.
QR code
Make cheque payable to “Hagar Singapore Ltd” and mail it to the following address, together with your name, contact number and email.

Hagar Singapore Ltd
8 Lorong 27A Geylang
Singapore 388106

Bank Transfer
Kindly transfer your donation to Hagar’s corporate bank details below and email us a copy of the transaction slip with your name, contact number and email.

Bank Name: DBS Bank
Account Type: DBS Current Account
Account Number: 003-909037-4
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Code: 003

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