Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church take action for good

At HAGAR, we are committed to do whatever it takes to see a broken life restored. And by that, it also means recognising the strengths of others and cooperating with them so that our clients have the best outcomes.

Our work is enabled by partner agencies, governments, corporates, institutions, churches, donors, supporters, volunteers, civil society groups and staff. Regardless of the group, a common denominator stands out – DEDICATION.

With a mission for the underprivileged, Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church has been actively reaching out to the locals in Singapore and overseas to make a global impact.

HAGAR is very blessed to have such a dedicated church partner with us to bring health and nutrition to our clients and the impoverished communities in Cambodia. Running breakfast fundraisers and working out the details of the year end trips, the Church has rallied their members and friends to be part of this effort. And for those who can’t go, they have pledged their resources to the various projects.

Come November to December, a team of medical experts comprising doctors, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists, and paediatricians and even others from their partner churches will be providing free healthcare screening to the students at the HAGAR Community Learning Centre. This is a massive undertaking and is absolutely essential for the children to ensure that they are well-nourished and are developing well in their health. Dr Rithy Hong (HAGAR’s former beneficiary; a street child turned medical doctor) will be joining them too so that he can take care of any referrals to local hospitals and follow-up to provide medical care and reviews after the team returns to Singapore.

And following that, another group of 22 church members will be setting aside 5 days to build a vegetable garden in the school compound so that the students will have their meals packed full of nutrition! Our friends from the Church have been gearing up on their agricultural knowledge so they can do a good job at planting the chillies, tomatoes, egg plant, morning glory and all the plants and vegetables that has been identified. In addition, the group is also planning a series of study tours and fun activities for the kids during their visit.

Whether the resources are financial, time, equipment, products, expertise, everyone is chipping in because they believe wholeheartedly in the same mission to bring hope and restore broken lives. The whole Church is so fervent and zealous that even the children are catching on, wanting to do something for the marginalised in society!

If you want to find out more about how your Church or cell group can get involved, drop us a message and we’ll be in touch.

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