“Even if you just change one life, you’ve changed the world forever.”
Our hearts are full as we count our blessings, every single volunteer who has given of themselves to the same mission and cause that we champion for. In our lean outfit, we are flanked by super trooper volunteers and interns who dedicate their skills, time and resources, giving generously without asking for anything in return.
Many of them toil in the background, producing videos, taking photos, writing stories and articles, counselling our clients, translating in the native languages of beneficiaries, reviewing our financial accounts, writing google ads, opening new doors for corporate partnerships, providing legal assistance, befriending those in our care, teaching English, and many more. There are no words that can express how we grateful we are for all of them.

To all HAGAR volunteers – Thank you for your labour of love that has made a difference in the lives of the people whom we serve. No act of kindness is too small to make a difference. You are all truly angels on earth and we are immensely thankful for every single one of you! We count you as our blessings, and look forward to another year ahead with you, serving together.
An outfit made up of just 3.5 staff, we are always thankful for interns and volunteers who give their time and talents to serve the marginalised and afflicted. Alina chose to intern with HAGAR during her summer vacation. Read about the internship experience of this wonderful 18-year-old young lady and her first encounter with working in an anti-trafficking organisation. We are so proud of her willingness to serve and the level of excellence that she’d put into every piece of work.
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By partnering with Hagar, you answer the cries of human suffering.
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By partnering with Hagar, you answer the cries of human suffering.
Help us transform lives
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By partnering with Hagar, you answer the cries of human suffering.